A fantasy nightmare come true
Never mind Shelob or Aragog - this is a real-life supermassive spider web in Lake Tawakoni National Park, in Texas.
While you hyperventilate into a paper bag, I'll explain this monstrosity further. The web was built by a colony of millions of spiders as a hippie-style communal home and trap for prey. Normally, spiders are solitary creatures, so the discovery of the enormous web (covering several hectares of the park) has stunned scientists.
According to this article, it "emits a fetid odour, perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk", and "whines with the sound of countless mosquitoes and flies trapped in its folds".
Scientists are still speculating about the actual spiders and the discovery of this rare behaviour. Meanwhile, the photograph is doing the rounds on the internet, and the Park staff are desperately trying to protect the "marvel".
"Miniature puffskeins!"
You might be forgiven for thinking there are some cotton plants sprouting up in the centre of this leaf. In fact, these tiny fluffballs are Honduran white bats (Ectophylla alba), native to parts of Central America.
What's in a name?
a) Thingodonta, a particular order of marsupials
b) Fangaroo, an ancestor of the kangaroo which had fangs
c) The "Demon Duck of Doom", the nickname given to a fearsome-looking duck
d) None of the above - don't be stupid, this ain't science!
Is it a trap? Is the correct answer 'd'?
Nope. The answer is that a, b and c are all names of things that actually existed once upon a time. Their fossils were found in a now-famous deposit site called Riversleigh, in northern Queensland.
Riversleigh has yielded spectacularly-preserved fossils of creatures so bizarre that scientists have resorted to appropriately bizarre names for them. 'Thingodonta' is the colloquial name for an extinct order of marupials, one of which had teeth unlike that of any other animal. 'Fangaroo' was an ancient kangaroo with fangs. The 'Demon Duck of Doom' is the nickname given to Bullockornis, a massive (2.5m!) carnivorous flightless bird with a skull larger than that of a small horse!
There was also a gigantic platypus with teeth (Obdurodon dicksoni), a crocodile that climbed trees (Trilophosuchus), and a bird that was a cross between an emu and a cassowary, so they called it an 'emuary'. Genius.
There are so many incredible and bizarre creatures, I don't really have space to list them all here. However I've found some great links you can visit if you're interested, which are listed below. Plus, the Australian Museum in Sydney currently has an exhibition on about extinct animals from Australia's past, and there's a book that deals directly with the finds from the Riversleigh area.
Riversleigh fossils info - Australian Museum
ABC Science - Amazing Beasts
Amazing Australia: Riversleigh/Naracoorte fossil sites
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger...
Three Bizarre Frog Facts: Part 3
The Water-Holding Frog, Cyclorana platycephala, is a weird Australian frog that lives in the desert and has a real thing for H2O. Whenever there's a severe water shortage (and hey, it's the desert...there's pretty much always a water shortage), it:
- Stores ridiculous amounts of water (up to 50% of its weight!) in its bladder and pockets in its skin - this water is acquired when there's a sudden downpour of rain,
- Uses its feet like shovels, and tunnels underground into the sand,
- Secretes a layer of mucus out of its skin, and then hardens the outermost layer, forming a tough outer layer of dead skin - a bit like wrapping itself up in Glad-Wrap,
- Stays there until there's enough rain to safely come out again. This can take years.
Nifty, eh?
More links about the frog:
Water Holding Frog: A Unique Creature
Database Entry for Cyclorana platycephala
FrogWatch at the Western Australian MuseumThree Bizarre Frog Facts: Part 2
The frog's tadpoles grow to about 23cm long, and they gradually 'shrink' to become an adult frog of normal length, about a quarter of the length of the tadpole (up to 7.5cm long).
How odd.
Interestingly, scientists have also found that secretions from this frog could help treat people with Type 2 diabetes.
You can read more about the paradoxical frog in a book excerpt from the International Wildlife Encyclopedia (3rd ed.) on Google Books, if you're especially keen. Go on. You know you want to, really.
Three Bizarre Frog Facts: Part 1
OK, no, they don't actually consume food through their eyes. That would be a bit too bizarre. However, they do use their eyeballs to help push food down their throat.
A brief article about this crazy behaviour was published in Cosmos magazine recently, and it sums up the facts quite nicely:
"For the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens), eyes are not only good to see prey with, they're good for swallowing it too. This contortionist of the animal world can retract its eyes into its head, and move them down towards its throat. The frog still uses its tongue to swallow, but the eyes offer a useful helping hand."
Don't try this at home, people. We are not frogs.
Quote source: Cosmos magazine, Issue 28 (Aug/Sept 2009), p.14
A fish with no table manners
The jaw of this fish isn't firmly attached to its skill. Instead, the sling jaw wrasse can 'shoot out' its mouth in order to catch prey. These 'protrusible jaws' can extend to over half the total body length of the fish, and can reach into narrow crevices to grab more elusive food if it wants to. This incredible feeding mechanism is made possible by extra ligaments and rotational bone movements that other fish just don't have.
Hey Nemo - watch out for that anomalocaris!
So, you know the insane science fiction monsters and aliens that people invent?
Turns out they're just WASTING THEIR TIME.
There were stacks of weird things that lived here on Earth, during the Cambrian period...and this video introduces you to a few of them.